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还可以手动切换不同的壁纸,共 8 张,但每日会自动更新。 目前 Bing Wallpaper 还没有中文界面,但好在平时也不需要去理它,让它默默运行即可。对于担心影响性能的同学,Bing Wallpaper 的内存占用为 16MB 左右,切换壁纸时,CPU 瞬时占用 3% 左右,平时并不占用 CPU。Bing Wallpapers features a collection of beautiful images featured on the Bing homepage over the last 10 years Browse images, learn where they're from, and set them as your mobile wallpaper Each image tells a story Discover details on what makes each image special, including info on the location, photographer, and why we featured it Browse what you like Leverage the filter to 如果你每天一张壁纸看着腻味,你也可以点击「Change wallpaper」来回顾过去发布的 Bing 壁纸并自动设置为桌面。 希望每一天的电脑桌面背景都能让人眼前一亮?不妨使用微软的官方客户端来给桌面找点新鲜感。 关联阅读: WinDynamicDesktop:让 Windows 10 拥有随时间变化的动态壁纸;
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